We've collected a list of tips that users have found helpful when experiencing trouble with verification. If you are experiencing trouble, we recommend trying the following suggestions:
Make sure you are using the most recently updated version of your internet browser and that camera access is enabled.
If your camera is blurry, our users say that wiping the camera lens often does the trick!
Try not to let too much time pass between each step, since the system times out after 15 seconds which automatically denies the attempt.
If you're having trouble with one device, try using a different device (preferably a smartphone), if available.
Try to not to be holding both your device and your ID in each hand - ideally, one of the two should be on a flat and stable surface to help stabilize and focus the camera.
Placing your ID on a stable, dark background will help your camera's ability to focus on it - contrast is key for a clear read of your ID!
Make sure you take the photos in a well-lit environment (camera flashes and direct bright lights sometimes cause too much of a glare and make it hard for our verification system to read the ID and/or your selfie).
Adjust the distance between the device and your ID (too close will end up blurry, but too far will make the ID too small to be readable by our third-party verification provider's system).
Make sure no part of your ID is cut off or cropped out, even the corners must be visible within your image.
Please ensure you have used only those verification methods which are accepted by our verification provider for the country where you reside (generally, valid, in-date/unexpired, and government-issued passports, driver's licenses, and/or other forms of ID).
If you continue to have trouble, even after trying these mentioned tips above, please send an email to our team at [email protected] for further assistance.